Best AutoCAD Alternate in Dubai, UAE

Best AutoCAD Alternate in Dubai, UAE

Best AutoCad Alternate in Dubai

AutoXls Table and CAD Table to Excel
Autoxls table allows creating a sheet or table directly in Microsoft Excel to be inserted to CADMATE automatically. CAD Table to Excel export accurately a sheet or table, composed by line/Spline and text/Mtext from CADMATE to Microsoft Excel.

Dynamic input
Dynamic Input provides a command interface near the cursor to help you keep your focus in the drafting area. Save time typing and finding out whatever longer or shorter command. Dynamic input can autocomplete the command name at once.

Property and Tool Palette

Properties palette displays the properties of the selected object or set of objects. You can specify a new value to modify any property that can be changed. Tool palette provides an efficient method for organizing and placing blocks.

Design Center

Design Center provides a graphic interface where you can manipulate and re-use drawings and their objects (blocks, layers, external references, and customized contents) from drawing files, network drives, and Internet locations. This way, you can speed up drawing constructing.

Layer Properties Manager & Layer States Manager

Layer properties manager displays a list of the layers in the drawing and their properties. You can add, delete, and rename layers, change their properties, set property overrides for layout viewports, or add layer descriptions and apply changes in real time.

Layer states manager enables you save the current property settings for layers in a named layer state and then restore those settings later
